Now that summer is winding down and we are slowly getting back into some routines around here, I’m trying to take better care of myself. Summer slide is a real thing and it’s not just for students. My own routines were out of whack, fitness, eating habits, + sleep. I have no regrets embracing that care-free summer attitude but I admit I’m looking forward to getting back on track.

For my family the Back-to-school time means re-establishing these routines for the whole family. In addition to these tips for getting back into routines, I’m also sharing how I personally get through it – so going back to school can hopefully go smooth for YOU and so it will be a great start to the year for your children.
Thanks to Jamieson Canada for partnering with us for today’s sponsored post.
OK – so we all know I LOVE summer but as the seasons change and with back to school it’s a great time to re-establish those good habits and get back into our routines. Summer has always been my FAVORITE season and it might be because the weather is incredible, we enjoy impromptu outings that lead to unscheduled meals, exciting afternoons, late nights that turn into lazy mornings the following day. Fall is a perfect time to get back into more schedules, not only for the kids but for us parents too. Here are a few simple tips to get you back into the groove.

- Bedtime – it’s a gradual thing. In the summer my guys would go to bed around 8:30 but I need them to be in bed by 7:45 in order to be well rested for those early school mornings. Each night we gradually put them to bed 10 min earlier until we get them back to their regular bedtime of 7:45. It makes the transition much smoother to do this gradually.
- Mealtimes – Over the summer we had less structure, and meal times were no exception. My kids lived off snacks. Now we need to get them breakfast and off to school + preschool. Taking back mealtimes has been a critical part for our family to have more structure in our days.
- Declutter – this helps me SO much, for instance putting away the summer soccer gear to make room in our entryway for the Fall after school sports and activities. I find I have less distractions when our home is more organized and having less stuff around makes getting out the door a little easier.

It’s taken me a while to figure it out and I still have lots of work to do – but those three tips really help my family and I. And what I find more and more important is taking time and caring for myself so that I have more energy (and patience). Since becoming a mom almost six years ago, I run on little sleep and have gotten in the habit of burning the candle at both ends.
Most mornings I like to start my day with coffee. But the cold coffee and leftover crusts just weren’t cutting it to fuel my body properly on my way out the door. I’ve been taking Jamieson Essentials plus Protein. It contains Jamieson Essentials Multivitamin, Vitamin D, Probiotic AND Omega-3. It’s tasty and a great source of energy to start the day. Simply mix one scoop with any liquid and you’re good to go! I’ll often drink it in the car or sometimes even before my morning coffee.

Often when I have a lot on the go, or exciting things happening, (even now I have some fun projects on the go – can’t wait to share more with you! EEEP!) I have a difficult time falling asleep. When this happens, I will take Jamieson Melatonin. It’s a safe, natural way to help get a better night’s rest. Melatonin helps reset the body’s sleep-wake cycle, helps improve sleep quality and also reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. Even after travelling to British Columbia a couple weeks ago (4 hour time difference), I was quickly able to get back into our time zone here which was so helpful because – this momma needs her rest!

I will also take Jamieson Vitamin B12 since it helps reduce that tired feeling and it helps provide your body with a natural source of energy. They have a delicious fast dissolving cherry flavour. Because their B12 is made with methylcobalamin it is fast acting – who doesn’t love instant gratification?

So now that I’ve shared a few tips, and how I manage to keep up my energy with the help of Jamieson Canada – Remember that Summer is a lot of fun and getting back to routine isn’t a bad thing! Hopefully these tips are helpful in getting you and your family back into the groove and a little easier on everyone. If you’re a busy momma like me, don’t forget to take a little time for yourself, fuel yourself, get good rest, treat yourself here and there. I find I am a better momma when I feel rested and energized, I have more patience for my kids and I feel that I can handle whatever these kids throw at me.

I hope this post has inspired you to make the most out of this new season and so that everyone isn’t dreading the end of summer, but rather looking forward to the start of a new year.
Xo Amy
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